
Posts Tagged ‘clowns

When my grandma was alive, she used to collect clowns.  Emmett Kelly were here favorites, but I never liked them because they were always so sad.  I remember forking over a small fortune one Christmas for an Emmett Kelly figurine entitled “Smile and the World Smiles With You.”  It was one of the few things I asked for after she passed away because not only was it something that she loved, but it had a smile on it – which is rare for those figurines.  Once again, Gram has come through for me.  Here’s what has been going on at Loobie Labels over the past week.

* I organized and rearranged all the supplies I have on hand.  (This is just a fraction of the organization I’ve done at home since losing my job in April.)  I found that I had a lot more than I thought, and I have supplies for projects I didn’t even realize I had purchased supplies for.  So WOO HOO – I get to create new things after all!

* I’m currently in the process of designing and supplying a local catering company with custom bag toppers similar to the ones I sell in my Etsy store ( http://www.etsy.com/listing/68445194/custom-goodie-bag-topper ) except they’ll fit over food-safe bags that hold some really yummy gourmet cookies.  Huge recurring order where hundreds of people will see my work?  Um, yes please!

* I’ve had a few sales, including an Etsy sale.  I guess my Etsy store didn’t like the fact that I was considering paying more attention to other areas in my life.  Heh…. my Etsy store is a Diva.

* I have a solid lead on a part time job, and part time is better than nothing.  Keep your fingers crossed for this one.

* I just finished sending the last of the information for my very first site review and giveaway.  Good golly, I’m more nervous than a hog on slaughter day.  Hopefully it goes over well.  *fingers crossed*

Now, all I need is to figure out why my ginormous double-paned picture window is leaking, and why I can only seem to get 1 side of my kitchen sink to drain at a time.  I love my fiance’ dearly, but Mr. Fixit he is NOT.  lol  Gotta give a shout out to the DIY network website – they’ve saved my tail on more than one occasion!  🙂

And, of course, a shout out to my Gram for reminding me that it doesn’t matter what cards you’re dealt in life.  What matters is how you play them.  Love you and miss you, Gram!  xoxoxo

Wishing you a life less ordinary,


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  • loobielabels: Thanks, Madalyn! As a mom, I generally do most of my work after my daughter is in bed for the night. I put in anywhere from 2-5 hours a day, broken
  • loobielabels: This was actually one of the stock layouts, so I didn't pay anything for it. However, I thank the person responsible - it definitely is a nice layout
  • loobielabels: Thanks, Celeste! :-)
